Weather Forecast Data | Real-Time Severe Weather Warning Data | Based on DWD and MeteoFrance Official Warnings's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
Solar Data | Solar Energy Data | Solar Radiation | 20 Years Historical Climate Data for Developing Predictive Models
Historical solar energy data for any location in the globe. Satellite observation data from ERA5 data set
Severe Weather Data | Weather Trigger | Custom Weather Alert for Europe | Extreme Frost, Rain, Snowfall, Hail, Storm, Wind's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
Real-Time Custom Weather Alerts | Natural Disaster Data | Hail Warning Data | Heavy Rain Data | Storm Data 24/7's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
Historical Weather Data for Major European Cities | 20 Years History in Hourly Deliveries | Climate Data | Precipitation Data | Wind Data
- Hourly historical weather data between 2003 and 2022 - Includes solar radiation data and UV index - Provides information on standard weather measurements such as air pressure, temperature, precipitation, and wind speed - Offers insights into how weather has impacted your business
Global Weather Data | Historical, Current & Forecast Weather and Climate Data | Weather Forecast API | Real-Time Weather Data
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast. serves weather around the globe and is trusted by >25m users monthly in 20 intl markets.
Geographic Data | Weather Forecast Data for Europe | Location-Based Weather Data
With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather affects your business decisions. You can enrich and improve your website, your analysis, your Data Science project, or trigger any event based on high accurate weather forecast.
European Hourly Wind Data At 100 Meters | Wind Power Data | Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Air Temperature, Air Density | Historic Weather Data high resolution historical winds at 100-meter height in any location in Europe.
Analyze Weather Forecast Data and Sales Data to Identify Business Trends | Weather-Based Demand Forecast Indices | Ecommerce Sales Data Impact
The demand forecast indices show the influence of the current weather generally for over 32 industries and product types. Using this data set you can use the weather as one factor to predict the demand and control your offerings or advertisings accordingly.
Air Quality Data | Pollen Data | Pollen Forecast for 35+ Pollen Types | Air Quality Index for Customer Health Prediction
With this dataset you can use pollen forecast indices of over 35 types of pollen to help predict how these pollen may affect your customers health, your business decisions and offerings.