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Air Quality Data | Pollen Data | Pollen Forecast for 35+ Pollen Types | Air Quality Index for Customer Health Prediction

With this dataset you can use pollen forecast indices of over 35 types of pollen to help predict how these pollen may affect your customers health, your business decisions and offerings.

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You can enrich and improve your website, your analysis, your Data Science project, or trigger any event based on high accurate weather forecast. Forecast data includes pollen data for the next 5 days on daily level for a given ZIP code. In comparison to the full data set, this data sample provides information for one ZIP code. The data can be found here: "PUBLIC"."FORECAST_POLLEN_VIEW_EXAMPLEā€¯ The dataset has the following fields: - date_forecast: Date on which the forecast was created - country: country of the zip_code. - zip_code: Zip code for which the index was calculated for a pollen type - date: date for which the index was calculated - pollen_index: Index for the pollen severity on a given date. The index ranges from 0 to 3. The definition of the pollen index is: 0: no impact for this pollen type 1: low impact 2: medium impact 3: high impact We offer the index for the following pollen types: - Abies - Acer - Aesculus - Ambrosia - Artemisia - Asteraceae - Betula - Carpinus - Castanea - Corylus - Cruciferae - Cyperaceae - Fraxinus - Fungus - Galium - Humulus - Larix - Pinaceae - Pinus - Plantago - Populus - Quercus ilex - Rumex - Salix - Secale - Chenopodium - Tilia - Urtica - Alnus - Erica - Fagus - Impatiens - Juglans - Poaceae - Quercus - Sambucus - Picea - Ulmus - Varia - Platanus - Taxus

Country Coverage

(6 countries)
Europe (6)

Data Categories

  • Air Quality Index
  • Pollen Data
  • Healthcare Marketing Data
  • Advertising Data
  • Weather Forecast Data


Pricing available upon request
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Not available

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