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24/7 Real-Time European Weather Data | Storm Warning Data | Severe Weather Warning data | Custom Weather Forecast Data |

Wetter.com's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.

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Severe Weather Warning alerts on extreme weather events which may have an impact on operations and puts your personnel and property in a thread. Warnings can be customised by trigger levels (DWD levels 0-4) Extreme Weather events included: Heavy Rain Storm Heavy Wind The simple data format enables seamless integration to your internal operations and digital systems, so that the follow up steps can be automated and distributed effectively to handheld devices or other connected platforms for example. The warnings are issued near real-time, 24/7. Warnings for Germany and France available already. Following countries available upon request: Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belgium, Netherland, Luxemburg, Austria, Switzerland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland) Adding value for operational planning for industries like Logistics & Last Mile, Mobility, Energy companies, Insurance companies, Teleoperators, Outdoor event organisers and Media & E-commerce.

Country Coverage

(2 countries)
Europe (2)

Data Categories

  • Real-Time Weather Data
  • Severe Weather Data
  • Weather Forecast Data
  • Wind Data
  • Rainfall Data


Pricing available upon request
One-off purchase
Not available
Monthly License
Yearly License
Not available

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